Saturday 4 April 2009

SMEs suffer crime increase

Crimes against small business have risen for the second six-month period, according to figures from insurance gaint Axa.

The research revealed that there had been a 10% increase in crimes against small firms in the UK, with the number of arson and malicious damage claims rising 23% and 14% respectively.

"Both malicious damage and arson tend to go up in a recession as premises are left unoccupied and unprotected by failed businesses, making them easier targets for vandals," said Gregor Elrick, head of property at Axa.

1 comment:

HaroldF said...

Rising crime is an unfortunate conseqence of economic difficulties - the weekend newspapers even carried reports of an increase in rustling! Businesses are able to ask their local crime prevention officer for help and advice in the same way as individuals do. Most crime can be prevented through taking some simple steps and it is worth doing.