Saturday 28 March 2009

It is important to cut costs in turbulent conditions - how can IT help?

As the current economic storm gathers up pace, more and more businesses are being affected. So how can IT help you fight through these turbulent conditions?

By using different IT tools, you can empower your organisation to work smarter, not just harder….saving money and time across the board.

There hasn’t been a more important time for you to take a good look at where your money is going and start making bold decisions -which could be the difference between making it through the recession and not.

Here are some examples of savings you can start making within your business today with IT:

- Reduce travel costs by 20 - 40%* through switching to web and video conferencing
- Lower office costs saving 30 - 40%* through enabling employees to work from anywhere
- Cut the costs of hardware and power usage through use of virtualisation technologies
- Set up intranet sites quickly and cost effectively enabling teams and individuals to be more productive

*Forrester Research, October 2007 - Total Economic Impact of Microsoft Unified Communications Products and Services.

1 comment:

HaroldF said...

A lot of small businesses think that IT costs are just about buying the hardware and software: they are not. Hitting an IT problem or losing data can be disaterous for a business of any size but SME's tend to be more vunerable as they don't have infrastructure in place. Feel free to contact me if youi need an introduction to a good service that talk understandable language.