Tuesday 3 March 2009

Press Release: New help for Business Owners, by Business Owners

A new resource centre to help owners and MD’s of small and medium sized companies (SMEs) has been launched by UK Business Advisors (UKBA™).

The resource can be found at www.ukba.co.uk and is specifically aimed at helping those owners and MDs. These people have the same problems as people running large companies, but without having the luxury of employees who can cover all the areas. The materials and advice available covers all key aspects of running a business including strategy, marketing, sales, human resources, finances and processes.

The big difference from most such information bases, is that all this material has been produced by people who work in SMEs, and in many cases actually run them. They are based on real life experiences, and not theoretical or academic papers from people not actually running businesses. The information is continually updated to reflect the changing economic environment and evolving technology. The information is backed up by access to the 80+ specialists in the UKBA™ organisation.



1 comment:

Ian Thomas said...

I cant reiterate the strength of this resource too much for MANAGING DIRECTORS & Business OWNERS.
Any small business can gain comfort from this resource, and indeed solicit the support and advice from a seasoned business professional (one who is also a small business owner).
Frequently, an impartial experienced advisor will provide a view of key issues, unnafected by the prejucices of those within the business.
It is amazing how many times this approach has brought value to a business, and indeed there has never been a more important time than now to ensure business continuity and survival.
See http://www.sgba.co.uk
Yours... Ian Thomas FInstIB