Sunday 5 July 2009

Small businesses buckling under the burden of regulation

According to the FPB's latest Referendum survey on the ‘cost of compliance', small business employers devote an average of 37 hours each month to complying with regulations. The FPB believes that reducing the time and cost of complying with legislation must not be sidelined, particularly as many firms are struggling to survive because of the recession.

The FPB's Policy Representative, Matt Goodman, will attend a meeting of the Better Regulation Executive (BRE) on Friday, 26 June 2009. The meeting follows reports that the Government is not pushing through plans to reduce regulation following its scrapping of ‘regulatory budgets' that had been earmarked for individual departments.

In addition, two committees on regulation announced by Peter Mandelson in April, the Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS), have still not been set up. Further, in a recent blog on its website, and ahead of the publication of the Treasury's forthcoming consultation on regulating lenders, the BRE said that ‘financial services [are] at the forefront of our issues now'.

Read more:

Source: Forum for Private Business

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